Newsletter - Issue 6, 2024
From The Principal's Desk
Our school purpose is to engage every student in building the social and academic skills necessary for them to excel in their future employment or educational pathway.
To deliver on this we recognise that precise changes are needed to meet the ever-changing nature of the world. These precise changes can only be made if we empower those involved to act.
In doing so we will arrive at our vision:
Empowered learners leading a life of choice.
Hence our Mantra:
Engage : Empower : Excel
The common theme in this work is empowerment. The definition we apply to empowerment in this work is “to encourage and support the ability to do something”.
At James Nash SHS we have systematically worked to build the dispositions, tools and capabilities necessary to bring empowerment to life in our school – commencing with the school leaders, progressing to our staff and now beginning the work of empowering our learners.
In a rapidly changing world, our school recognises that the dispositions, knowledge and skills necessary to thrive in the future require our workforce and our students to take control of, and responsibility for their lives through their actions (to work and learn in a place where you can do something).
As the young adults exiting our school demonstrate that they are taking control in order to lead a life of choice – then we can be proud that our work has been effective.
Learning doesn't stop after school or university, and our dedicated teachers are living proof. Our educators are experts in their craft, continually honing their skills to bring the best possible education to our students.
Our teachers recently took part in the first of 6 professional development sessions, refreshing and expanding their knowledge in key areas:
- The 6 Phase Model of Student Learning
- Neuroscience of learning
- Essential Skills for Classroom Management
- Signature Teaching Strategies
- Differentiate Unit Planning
- Policy Framework
- Inclusive Practices
These sessions are run in house utilising the expertise and knowledge of our existing staff. We are very proud of our diverse teaching staff and their commitment to ongoing improvement.
Jackson Dodd,
Year 7
We are amazing.
We are fine.
We are graduating in 2029
Congratulation to the 26 student who have been inducted as James Nash Year 7 Ambassadors.
The position of Year 7 Ambassador at James Nash State High School plays an important role in our school community. Ambassadors are expected to be outstanding role models who work well with students and staff. Ambassadors demonstrate the school’s values; positive, resilient, hardworking, and respectful.
They can help others and have the confidence and respect of students and teachers.
In Year 7 most students demonstrate our Nash Values every day. To recognize these students, teachers reward students in their class Good Standing points. If students don’t meet the expectations, they may not get the points. If they demonstrate behaviours that don’t reflect these values, students may lose points.
- A negative One School entry will result in 1 point loss. Behaviour that results in a Yellow Zone Detention will result in a loss of 5 points.
- Students need to have Good Standing (20 points) to participate in sporting events, extra- curricular events and activities or community event.
- Students, by following Nash expectations which demonstrate our values. They have the opportunity of being rewarded with 6 points each week.
Q Parents
Please register for Q Parents to access report cards and camp permission forms. Please contact the office if you are having any problems accessing this information
Week 9
REMINDER: There are two activities for our Year 7’s in Term 3 Week 9 Tuesday 3 – Thursday 5 September. Both activities are designed to develop a deeper understanding of our core values: Respect, Hardworking Positive and Resilient.
Check out the investigative dig being undertaken by a Year 7 Humanities class.
Year 8
Learning and Well-Being
This term we have tried something new with the year 7 and 8 students selecting their learning and well-being activity. Students were given a number of choices and based on their interests, selected an activity to participate in.
Students are participating in activities that they have an interest and are working with students with similar interests. This has seen students not only develop their skills for their chosen activity, but to develop their social skills too and develop new friendships.
Mary Street Pre-Muster Party
A group of out Year 8 leaders have participated in the Mary Street Pre-Muster party. The students decorated hay bails to add to the feel of the day. They also participated in a number of activities that were happening in the street. The students have positively represented James Nash in a community event through their exceptional behaviour and participation.
Bullying! No Way!
We are kind, we are great, we are the class of 2028! In year 8, we learn and talk about respect and how we treat each other. We talk about differences and accepting we are all different. We discuss what respect looks like and how we show it. We spend time doing restorative discussions and developing positive relationships. For Bullying No Way Day, on year level parade, year 8’s all wrote a pledge to help minimise the impacts of bullying, ‘I pledge to help prevent bullying by…’
A number of students volunteered to read the pledges to create a video which was shared as part of Bullying! No Way! Week.
Well done to the students who were helped make the video, they did an amazing job.
Nat Hyde
HODSS Year 8
Gold and Silver Awards
Gold and Silver awards are presented to students in recognition of their consistent high standards of behaviour and effort. These awards are do not take into account the student’s academic ability and as such are achievable by all students.
To be eligible for Leadership positions at JNSHS, Students must receive either a Gold or Silver Award prior to the submission of their leadership application.
- Gold awards are presented to those students who receive Excellent (E) in all subjects for Behaviour and Effort on their Interim Report Card (Terms 1 and 3).
- Silver awards are presented to those students who receive at least Very Good (VG) in all subjects for Behaviour and Effort on their Interim Report Card (Terms 1 and 3).
When reporting closes at the end of Term 3, students who are to receive a gold and silver award will be identified. These students and their parents/carers will be invited to an afternoon presentation ceremony on Wednesday 23rd of October between 3.30 and 4.30pm. Please put this date in your diary if you have a student who may be eligible.
Greg Cooper
Deputy Principal Years 7 & 8
Year 9
All Year 9 students are aware that the focus on behaviours for the coming weeks will be around truancy and defiance. Students who consistently engage in these behaviours may have a suspension as a consequence.
White Card
There is a White Card course will commence towards the end of Term 3. Date to be advised. This will be our second White Card course this term. All students must be fully financial at James Nash in order to undertake this course.
Book Week
Year 9 students attended Book Week at Jones Hill State School where they read to the Prep Classes. Both students and teachers enjoyed the experience by sharing books they loved through the gift of reading.
Throughout the Week our Year 9 Leaders, organised and created an amazing set of Book Week themed activities including an Escape Room, Book Trivia, a Book themed Netball Game, a Scavenger Hunt and led a Book Week Parade serving sausages to the school. The Leaders took time in planning the events and run the activities. They did an amazing job.
Subject Selection Talks
The Year 9s have had a range of subject selections talks starting in Week 4 this term and ending in Week 8. Over weeks 9 and 10 students will be selecting their subjects for 2025. Please have a discussion with students around this.
Becki Haines Shelley Gauld HOD HODSS Year 9 Deputy Principal Year 9
Year 10
Year 10 Students attend SET Planning Interviews
Our Year 10 students and their families met with teachers this week to complete their SET Planning interviews. At these interviews, students were able to speak about their goals; ask questions about education and training pathways; and, together with their families, make a plan for a course of study across the senior phase of schooling.
Teachers, Heads of Departments and Deputy Principals made themselves available before and after school to ensure that all students and families could be catered for.
Across the two days, many students and families took the opportunity to speak with our Work Placement and SAT Co-ordinators Paulina Kars and Deb Connolly about work experience and school-based apprenticeships and traineeships.
Our Transition Pathways Officer, Kerry Desario also met with students looking to transition out of school into further training or employment.
“It is important to us that we support our students to access pathways where they can be successful and that they enjoy. Working with students and their families to achieve this is very rewarding,” commented Head of Department Mrs Shannon Fox.
Unable to make the meeting?
If your student was unable to make the SET Planning interviews on Monday 19 and Tuesday 20 August, please contact the school to make an alternative meeting time as soon as possible.
Shannon Fox
HODSS Year 10
Middle School Leaders
Each week our Middle school leaders consisting of our Middle School Captains, Shannon O'brien, Chloe Bond, Isaac Dodds and Zoltan Greenhalgh, as well as our SRC Representatives Hayley James and Rae-Leigh Weber, plan and execute our Middle School Assemblies. The assemblies are run for the combined Year 9 and 10 cohorts and Care teachers, in total an audience of approximately 500 people, a daunting task for even the most capable of public speakers.
Our leaders run the assemblies which are about acknowledging and celebrating the achievements and milestones of our students. Each week they invite guest speakers, staff and students to communicate messages, activities, celebrate successes, individually and as teams and this assembly is a key part of our week here at James Nash SHS.
This group of amazing students commit weekly to their roles as leaders within our Middle School here at James Nash and in doing so embody the school values of positive, respectful, resilient and hardworking. They are creating a positive culture and a legacy for themselves as a dynamic group of young leaders. We as a school are proud of their commitment and the way that they engage within our school each and every week.
Simon Knight
HODSS Year 10
Senior School
Senior Jerseys 2025
The first order for the 2025 Senior Jersey will be placed on 11 November 2024. The cost of the jersey is $80, and payment should be finalised by 8 November 2024.
Jerseys from the first order will be at the school in week one of the 2025 school year.
Students wanting to purchase a jersey need to inform the Senior Jersey Co-ordinator, Mr Jenkins, of their size (sizing jerseys provided) and the name to be printed on the back of the jersey.
Guidelines for the name permitted on the back are:
- Christian name or
- Surname or
- Christian name and surname or
- Initials
Nicknames and shortened or altered surnames are not permitted.
Students with outstanding payments to the school will not be allowed to purchase a senior jersey until all other payments are finalised.
A subsequent order will be placed in late February 2025 but these jerseys do not arrive at the school until after the Easter holidays.
Any queries regarding the senior jerseys should be directed to Mr Jenkins (54806359).
2024 State School Leavers Survey
The Queensland Government is following up on Year 10, 11 and 12 students who left school in 2023, before completing Year 12. Students will receive a letter with a personalised link to complete a 5-minute survey regarding their activities since leaving school. Students may also be contacted by email or phone and have the chance to win an iPad for participating. Please encourage them to take part. If their contact details have changed, please update with the interviewer or forward the instructions so they can participate. For more information, visit or telephone toll free on 1800 068 587.
First Nations News
The QATIF awards ceremony for the Year 12 QATSIF graduating students was celebrated on 15 August at University of the Sunshine Coast. Three students and their family members were able to attend and this was a very proud day for those students.
The Round 16 QATSIF scholarship have now closed. Of the thirty (30) Year 10 First Nations students, twelve (12) students have been eligible for a scholarship and have completed the application form.
A further four (4) Year 11 students have also met the requirements and have also completed the application form.
A First Nations parade was held on Thursday 22 August and was well attended by students and community members. Uncle Russell did the Welcome to Country.
Kyla Saltner-Johnston spoke to the students about the importance of NAIDOC week.
Leaders 2025
Applications for leaders for 2025 were given to all students at the First Nations parade. Those students who wish to be considered for a leadership role are encouraged to complete this application and return the form to Ms Gauld.
2025 Enrolments & Scholarships
A reminder for all parents of 2025 year 7 students, to please submit your enrolment forms.
Scholarship applications for Year 7 in 2025 are also open and closing very soon!
Application forms are available for download from our website, or you can collect one in person from the school office.
Applications close on 2 September 2024. Don't miss out on this fantastic opportunity!
National Science Week gave students the opportunity to participate in many engaging hands-on science activities.
These included:
- A physics lecture and activity with Dr Joanna Turner from the Australian Institute of Physics
- Science quiz and competition
- STEM Kit construction
- Xylophone sounds and symphonies
- Lego Technic model building
- Fun with Fungi
- The genetics of pets such as chickens and Guinea pigs
To celebrate some of our most enthusiastic and passionate science students, teachers nominated “Science Superstar Awards” from years 7 – 10. Congratulations to all those that received certificates in recognition – well done!
We are also seeking year 10 students who are interested in becoming JNSHS Science Ambassadors in 2025. Application forms can be returned to Miss Farnes in Science (D block) staffroom by week 10 term 3.
The Arts
ACA's 2024 Production of High School Musical Jr.: A Stunning Success!
At James Nash, we were "all in this together" for the ACA’s 2024 production of High School Musical Jr. With eight performances delivered to local Year 6 and 7 students, and the broader community, the show was nearly a sell-out, proving that the "start of something new" was a hit with everyone who attended.
Involving students from Years 7 through 12, this production wasn’t just about showcasing their performance skills but also about building personal growth, forging new friendships across grades, and creating lasting memories. The hard work and commitment of the students were evident in every scene performed, and the friendships that developed throughout the process will undoubtedly be cherished for years to come.
The collaboration didn’t end with the cast. The staff, guest facilitators and Trade Training Centre played a crucial role in bringing the vibrant sets, costumes, sound and lights to life, reminding us that "we're all in this together" when it comes to making magic on stage. A special thank you to the P&C, who generously provided pizza dinner, fuelling the energy and enthusiasm of our performers on opening night.
This production was "what we’ve been looking for" in showcasing the vibrant Academy of Creative Arts co-curricular programme at James Nash SHS. It is a testament to the dedication of the students and staff who volunteered their time and talents, and it reflects the incredible community spirit that makes our school unique. We couldn’t be prouder of our amazing students and their achievements in the Arts—"we’re breaking free" of expectations and reaching new heights!
Gympie Trade Training Centre
GTTC meets the Arts!
Gympie Trade Training students had the rewarding experience of seeing their hard work shine on stage. Tasked with building the set for High School Musical, the GTTC students rose to the challenge, putting their skills to the test. Their efforts were met with great success, as the show turned out to be a fantastic display of talent and teamwork. The students were incredibly proud to have contributed to such a memorable project, showcasing not only their technical abilities but also their passion for being part of something special in the school community.
This week, student Arwen played a key role in helping the Science Department build a xylophone using industrial materials like PVC and timber. Applying her furnishing skills, Arwen worked diligently to craft the musical instrument, demonstrating both creativity and precision. The project was a great success, showcasing how practical skills can be applied in unique and educational ways, and Arwen’s contribution was greatly appreciated by the department.
Industrial Technology and Design
Year 12 Students Build, Weld, and Repair Their Way to Success!
Our Year 12 students have been busy this term, diving into hands-on projects that are as exciting as they are challenging. The Building and Construction, Engineering Skills, and Industrial Technology Skills classes have been turning ideas into reality, and the results are impressive!
In Building and Construction, students are scaling down real-world projects by framing mini-houses. From precise measurements to hammering away at the details, these future builders are putting their carpentry skills to the test as they construct their tiny dream homes.
Meanwhile, the Engineering Skills students are turning up the heat—literally—by creating their very own metal vices and sheet metal toolboxes. Armed with sparks and steel, they’re mastering the art of metalwork, transforming raw materials into functional tools that will stand the test of time (and plenty of tough jobs!).
Over in Industrial Technology Skills, the action continues as students roll up their sleeves for some serious fibreglass canoe repair. With a mix of craftsmanship and creativity, they’re bringing damaged canoes back to life, making sure they're ready to glide across the water once again.
These Year 12 projects aren’t just about learning skills—they’re about building confidence, solving real problems, and having fun along the way.
Parents, student academic reports for Semester 1 are available now! QParents users will be able to view and download report cards online as soon as they are published. It’s not too late to register for QParents – just contact the school administration to request an invitation.